Anime acssesory shop that provides world delivery, wholesales and other futures and of course amazing customer service and products!
Our company provides world delivery so every each of our clients can get what they want to buy even in the farthest places from our online shop.
The estimated price for delivery depends on a country that you are living in so to know more about how we proceed with the world delivery please read the infrormation down below.
Founded in 2015 in Kyoto, Japan, Otaku’s World has been been a popular and well-known for Japanese figures, video games and all sorts of otaku-related merchandise. Over the years we have shipped hundreds of thousands of items to happy customers around the globe.
We are always glad to have tnew customers and provide them the best service and great quality merchandize, our customers deserve all the best in this world and we’re forever grateful to have such a supporting client-base!